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June 10, 2020

This week's 45-minute workout includes Tabata intervals.  These are 4-minute intervals that are broken up into 20-second all-out efforts with just 10 seconds of recovery between each.  The cumulative effect of the high intensity and minimal recovery make for a very effective interval that will help to boost your power.


Once again, if you do the 45-minute workout outside, make sure you are on a safe stretch of road without any intersections.


Workout files are available for download.  Click on the button at the bottom of the workout description to take you to the download page.  Files are available in the following formats:


  • .mrc (ERG mode.  Intervals are based upon power and percentage of FTP)


  • .tng (Time and Grade.  Intervals are setup as timed "hills".  Use your gears to hit the target intensity)


  • .fit (Gamin workout file)

    • There are two files, both of the same workout

      • One created in TrainingPeaks - "2020 Summer - 45-min - Week" with intervals based upon % of FTP  

      • The other file created in Garmin Connect - "20 Sum Wk3" with intervals based upon power zones

        • Click HERE for instructions to upload workouts to your Garmin device


  • .zwo (Zwift workout file)

    • Click HERE for instructions to upload workouts to Zwift

June 10, 2020


2020 Summer - 45-min - Week 3.JPG

0:00 - 10:00



  • 5:00 - Build (40%-50% of FTP / Z1 HR / <68% LTHR / <2 RPE)


  • 3 x 0:30 - High Cadence (70% of FTP / Z2 HR / 69%-83% LTHR / 2-3 RPE)


  • 2:30 - Easy (50% of FTP / Z1 HR / <68% LTHR / <2 RPE)



10:00 - 20:00

Threshold Interval





  • 4:30 (95% of FTP / Z4 HR / 95%-105% LTHR / 7-8 RPE)


  • 0:30 (105% of FTP / Z4 HR / 95%-105% LTHR / 7-8 RPE)​​




26:00 - 30:00  &  36:00 - 40:00

Tabata Intervals





  • 0:20 (150% of FTP / Z5 HR / >106% LTHR / 9-10 RPE)




41:00 - 45:00

Cool Down

June 10, 2020


2020 Summer - 90-min - Week 3.JPG

0:00 - 20:00



  • 10:00 - Build (40%-50% of FTP / Z1 HR / <68% LTHR / <2 RPE)


  • 3 x 1:00 - High Cadence (70% of FTP / Z2 HR / 69%-83% LTHR / 2-3 RPE)


  • 5:00 - Easy (50% of FTP / Z1 HR / <68% LTHR / <2 RPE)




20:00 - 38:00

Tempo Interval




  • 5:00 (75% of FTP / Z2-Z3 HR / 69%-94% LTHR / 4-5 RPE)​​​​


  • 1:00 (90% of FTP / Z3 HR / 84%-94% LTHR / 6-7 RPE)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​




43:00 - 1:01:00​​​

Pyramid Interval



  • 2:00 (70% of FTP / Z2 HR / 69%-83% LTHR / 3-4 RPE)​​


  • 2:00 (75% of FTP / Z2-Z3 HR / 69%-94% LTHR / 4-5 RPE)​​​​


  • 2:00 (80% of FTP / Z2-Z3 HR / 69%-94% LTHR / 4-5 RPE)​​


  • 2:00 (85% of FTP / Z3 HR / 84%-94% LTHR / 6-7 RPE)​​​​


  • 2:00 (90% of FTP / Z3 HR / 84%-94% LTHR / 6-7 RPE)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


  • 2:00 (85% of FTP / Z3 HR / 84%-94% LTHR / 6-7 RPE)​​​​


  • 2:00 (80% of FTP / Z2-Z3 HR / 69%-94% LTHR / 4-5 RPE)​​


  • 2:00 (75% of FTP / Z2-Z3 HR / 69%-94% LTHR / 4-5 RPE)​​​​


  • 2:00 (70% of FTP / Z2 HR / 69%-83% LTHR / 3-4 RPE)




1:06:00 - 1:24:00

Tempo Interval




  • 1:00 (90% of FTP / Z3 HR / 84%-94% LTHR / 6-7 RPE)​​​​


  • 5:00 (75% of FTP / Z2-Z3 HR / 69%-94% LTHR / 4-5 RPE)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​




1:24:00 to 1:30:00

Cool Down

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